Stewardship 2025
Plant - Grow - Harvest - Feed
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Our 2025 Stewardship message arises from language found in the Bible:
Planting, Growth, Production of Fruit, and Feeding, which link the practices, both ancient and continuing, with our everyday life at the Church of the Epiphany:
Plant: We begin with the seeds: Worship and prayer, baptism, evangelism, welcoming, pastoral care
And the seeds soon Grow: Education, communications, upkeep of buildings and grounds
And Produce Fruit: Fellowship, belonging, new members, confirmation, and marriages
To Feed people hungry in body and spirit: welcoming community groups to our campus and outreach.
And Our Roots are deep: Tradition and reconciliation.
Settled into the ground of our being: Jesus Christ
Watered by the vows of the Baptismal Covenant - to continue in worship, repent and return, and respect the dignity of others.
Jesus said, "I am the vine, You are the branches...bear much fruit."
All of this depends on Your Gifts and regular income, which provide the rector and staff with lights, heat, air conditioning, and materials for worship, service, and outreach.
Stewardship is about being grateful and responsible stewards of the gifts we receive from God. The Episcopal Church sees stewardship as more than contributing money to the church; it is also about contributing time and talents and volunteering for ministry and mission. It's about reaching out to build relationships from a perspective of abundance instead of scarcity. We ask everyone to consider pledging for the upcoming 2025 year. A pledge of any amount blesses THE CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY! Thank YOU!
Drop it off at the Parish Office, place it on an offering plate, or mail it to PO Box 189, Clarks Summit, PA 18411-0189. Pledges are kept in the strictest confidence.
Online Giving: The easiest way for you to give is via Realm, our secure online community:
Here's a video of how.
We hope you consider setting up a recurring donation through your Realm profile. Don't hesitate to contact the parish office if you need assistance. or 570-563-1564.
Rev. Michele
Why We Give
The stewardship of our finances is a tremendous—and often overlooked—area of our lives where we can faithfully proclaim the gospel. Giving strengthens our devotion to Christ and frees us to live open-handedly with the gifts God gives us. We trust in the Creator to provide instead of our perceived self-sufficiency. As people of faith, we give faithfully and generously of our time, talents, and treasures.
The Bible makes clear that we are to honor God in all things, giving cheerfully of the resources entrusted to us. We call this kind of giving "stewardship." (Proverbs 3:9; 2 Corinthians 9:7). Stewardship by definition means “the responsible overseeing and protection of something considered worth caring for and preserving.” We support this concept of stewardship by offering you several ways to give.
Online Giving
The easiest way for you to give is through Realm, our secure online community: here's how. We recommend that you consider setting up a recurring donation through your Realm profile. You will need an invite code from Epiphany to set up your Realm account. If you need an invite code, please contact the office to obtain one.
Mobile Giving
Mobile giving is also a convenient way to give. Our online giving links are formatted to work on any mobile device. You can also give from the mobile app or via text giving.
Mobile App:
Download the Realm Connect app from your Apple or Google Play store. Login with your Realm account to give. The Realm Connect app also allows you to setup a recurring donation.
Text Giving:
Text BREAD and any amount to 73256 to complete a gift. Messages and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies. Text HELP to 73256 for help. Text STOP to 73256 to cancel.
Text giving is great for quick, easy, one-time gifts. Text giving will automatically save your payment information for future gifts. (If you have already set up a Realm account, please give through that connection to keep everything under the same account.)
Cash & Check Giving
Your offering may be brought to either worship service and left in the collection plate. Either cash or check is accepted. Offering envelopes can be obtained through the office. If you are unable to attend in person, you may mail your offering check to Church of the Epiphany, PO Box 189, Clarks Summit PA 18411.